The overarching themes of the course are mathematical argument, language and proof, mathematical problem-solving and mathematical modelling. These have been chosen to deepen your mathematical understanding and to develop your ability to apply this understanding to solve pure and applied mathematical problems.
You will study a range of core topics in pure mathematics including proof, algebra and functions, co-ordinate geometry, sequences and series, trigonometry, exponential functions, logarithms, differentiation and integration.
You will also study applied mathematics through statistics and mechanics topics. This will also be helpful if you are studying other A Levels that use these (e.g. Biology, Psychology, Physics, Geography).
Statistics topics will include sampling, data presentation and interpretation, probability, statistical distributions and hypothesis testing.
Mechanics will cover kinematics, quantities and units in mechanics, vectors, moments, forces and Newton’s laws.
100% examination
Grade 7 or above in GCSE Mathematics.
An A-Level in Mathematics can lead to degree courses in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. Mathematics is welcomed for many university courses and by employers in industry, commerce, finance and services.