A-Level Media Studies

In Year 12, you will be analysing a variety of media texts including magazines, film trailers and websites. A range of media theory and terminology will be covered which will allow you to access the full range of marks on offer to you in the examination. In the examination, you will be asked to analyse an unseen media text. There will be both multiple choice and short answer questions to test your depth of understanding. Further to this, in terms of the coursework, you will create a media product in response to a given brief from AQA. You will need to produce a statement of intent alongside this.

In Year 13, exam questions will focus on the analysis of media products and you will again, be asked to apply complex theory to their analysis. As media students, you will become ‘experts’ in a particular media text of your choice, where the topic will be provided by AQA. This will be known as analysis from a Close Study Product. In terms of coursework, you will be expected to design and create a product of your choice, alongside another statement of intent. This is similar to A-Level, although the chosen products will need to be ‘cross-media’.


70% examination / 30% coursework


Grade 5 or above in GCSE English Language and English Literature.

Where can it lead?

Many students go on to study a range of media based courses at university, including Television Production, Advertising, Marketing and many more.