Cambridge Technical Diploma in Business

This is a double award subject and takes up two of your three options.

In Year 12 you will study a variety of topics. The first unit is the Business Environment (examined) covering all the fundamental business principals, such as ownership, aims and objectives, ethics and finance. The second unit is Project Management (coursework) where you will plan and manage a large, special event and lastly the Customers and Communication unit (coursework) which involved preparing a marketing proposal for a local company.

As part of the diploma you will start with a coursework unit on Financial Accounting allowing you to complete a set of accounts for a local business. You will also study for an exam on decision-making showing how firms make those all important decisions in business. This is followed by another coursework piece based on management accounting calculating the costs and prices associated with producing and selling products.

In Year 13 you will prepare a report on Accounting Concepts (coursework), linking to the financial and legal requirements for a firm to follow. There is also a unit based on recruitment and training in organisations—Working in Business (coursework).

As part of the Diploma, the examined unit is based on change management and allows you to learn about how to manage change within an organisation whether big or small. You then finish with delivering a business project which continues from the unit in Year 12 Project Management.


55% coursework / 45% examination


Grade 4s in GCSE English Language and Maths.

Where can it lead?

A Diploma in Business Studies can lead directly to various degree courses including Business Studies, Management, Marketing and Accountancy. The course prepares students well for the world of work in a wide range of disciplines, including people management, marketing promotion, finance and recruitment. Students also develop skills  and knowledge related to setting up their own business through the project management unit.