A-Level Chemistry

You will develop and enhance your knowledge in three main areas: physical, organic and inorganic chemistry.

You will learn in detail about topics such as atomic structure, bonding and chemical equilibria as well as electrode potentials and electrochemical cells in physical chemistry, while you will study the periodic table in detail through topics like periodicity, transition metals and the reactions of group 1 and 7 helping to develop your passion for inorganic chemistry. In organic chemistry you will cover a broad range of topics learning about a variety of functional groups and their reactions. In addition you will learn about different spectroscopy and chromatography techniques.

There will be large amounts of hands-on experiences and you will have the opportunity to learn and use practical skills to link theory with practice, deepening your knowledge and understanding in the world of chemistry. 


100% examination


Grade 6 or above in GCSE Chemistry or 66 if studying the GCSE Combined Science qualification plus Grade 6 or above in GCSE Maths.

Where can it lead?

Chemistry A-Level can lead to many careers including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, chemical engineering and forensics but is also extremely useful in careers in the biological sciences, physics, mathematics, pharmacology and analytical chemistry.