BTEC National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism

Everyone taking this qualification will study three mandatory units, covering the following content areas:

The world of travel and tourism—developing the skills needed to examine, interpret and analyse a variety of statistics that measure the importance of tourism to the UK economy.

Global destinations—investigating the location and features of global destinations as well as explaining their appeal.

Principles of marketing in travel and tourism—investigating how marketing can successfully be achieved as well as creating your own marketing plan.

This is a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the vocational sector. It gives learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for employment. It is equivalent to A GCE A-Level and is graded Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction* (P, M, D, D*).

The unit includes:


70% coursework / 30% examination


A grade 4 or above in GCSE Mathematics and GCSE English.

Where can it lead?

Career paths

Holiday/Travel Agent/Travel Officer or Travel Agency Co-ordinator/Travel Consultant/Airlines Staff/Transport Officer


Holiday/Travel Agent/Tourism Manager/Tourist Guide

University courses

Tourism Management /Hospitality and Tourism/Any language degree