OCR Technical in Health and Social Care

In Year 12 you will study a variety of topics. The first unit is Equality, Diversity and Rights (examined) covering all the fundamental principles, such as strategies used to promote equality, respect diversity and support individuals’ rights.  The second unit is Building Positive Relationships (coursework) where you will look at the many different relationships that you will encounter within the Health and Social Care sector, whether with colleagues, senior members of staff, other professionals within the sector and individuals who require care and support.  The anatomy and Physiology unit (coursework) introduces students to the basic structure and functions of the body systems involved in everyday activities and maintenance of health, including cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. They will also understand the part played by organs such as the pancreas, liver and kidney.

In Year 13 you will prepare a report on Nutrition for Health (coursework), This unit allows students to scrutinise different foods, consider their health benefits and investigate how to support other people to follow dietary advice to impact their health and wellbeing. There is also a unit based on mental health: Supporting people with mental health conditions (coursework) as well as Health, Safety and Security (coursework) where students will learn how legislation, policies and procedures work to reduce risks in health and social care and the consequences of not following them. You will also learn how to respond to different incidents and emergencies within health and social care settings.


60% examination / 40% coursework


Grade 4s in GCSE English Language, Maths and Science.

Where can it lead?

University courses

Nursing (Adult)/Nursing (Mental Health)/Applied Social Work


Youth Work and Community Development/Child and Family Health and Wellbeing

Career paths

Adult nurse/Counsellor/Occupational therapist/Personal trainer/Physician associate/Social worker